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Protect Your Respiratory System
It is in winter that arise more health problems that interfere with the proper functioning of the respiratory system. For this, it is extremely important that we strengthen the defenses at this level. The AllergiNat is an extremely rich product ingredients with therapeutic activity throughout the respiratory tract, ie, Hollyhock, Anis Green Tube and Thyme. This product has a bronchodilator, antiallergic and anti-inflammatory action. It is also expetorante and decongestant can be effectively used as an adjunct in the treatment of bronchitis, asthma and obstructive lung disease. It is very useful in cases of cough, emphysema, tuberculosis, and sore throat.
Learn about our products: AllergiNat

The Importance of Detoxifying the Body
The human body undergoes constant poisoning by the accumulation of toxins. This occurs through eating an unbalanced diet, overeating (sugars and fats), exposure to polluted environments ( tobacco smoke, air pollution) and even due to normal metabolic reactions of the organism itself. The intake also contributes to medicinal chemists , and many, for accumulation of toxins, since these are metabolized by the liver (the main body organ detoxification). The main organs affected are the liver and intestine, creating a feeling of bloating. The first step in weight loss should be detoxification, as well as contribute to reduction of body weight, allow also the body to absorb any product that is subsequently swallowed (specific for weight loss, for example) much more efficiently. Therefore, it is essential to purify the body so that it is balanced and healthy.
Hemorrhoids - A Problem That Upsets
In Portugal, it is estimated that about 50 % of the population is likely to develop hemorrhoids after 30 years of idade. As Hemorrhoids are blood vessels located close to the rectum and anus, which undergo expansion, increasing its volume. Is a stretch of tissues that give support to blood vessels , causing them to dilate and walls become thinner (in some cases, bleeding and inflammation happens). In more severe cases, hemorrhoidal vein thrombosis can occur even by the presence of a clot. It becomes therefore crucial intake of dietary supplements that contribute to the health of the circulatory system, particularly for the maintenance of the integrity of blood vessel walls (venotónica action) and to help improve blood circulation important properties either in phase of preventing either a phase of crisis.
Learn about our products : VasoNat and Venonat .
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Learn how the Human Body consists