The Human Body theoretically organized into six structural levels: Chemistry, Cell, Tissues, Organs, Organ System Organism in full. At the chemical level organization involves the interaction of atoms and small particle constituents of matter (water, glucose, proteins and fats ). At the cellular level combine molecules into smaller structures that constitute cells (organelle). Cells are the basic unit of life. At the level of tissues, each tissue consists of a group of similar cells and substances that involve similar features and functions into different tissues. At the level of the organs, each body consists of two or more tissue performing functions in common. At the organic level is as a unit, is organized by a group of organs that have common functions (systems and equipment). The whole body is in a range of organ systems that are interconnected and interact each other depending on each other. The Human Body is organized metabolically, with a responsiveness, growth, development and reproduction.
Skeletal and Muscular System
Allows body movements
Produces blood cellsStores minerals and fatConsisting of bones, cartilage, ligaments and joints.
Produces the movement of the body.
Maintains posture
Produces heat and energy
Consisting of muscles attached to bones by tendons.
Cardiovascular System
Transports nutrients, gases, hormones, substances for excretion
Important to the immune response
Temperature Regulator
Consisting of the heart, blood vessels and blood.
Nervous system
Main regulatory system
Controls physiological functions and intellectual
Perceciona sensations
Controls movement
Composed of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and sensory receptors
Lymphatic system is Immune
System protector or immune
Removes substances strange
Clears the blood and the lymph
Combat the diseaseResponsavél by hydric equilibrium in tissues
Responsible for absorbing fats
Constituted by vases, ganglions and lymphatic organs.
Endocrine System
Main regulatory system that influences the growth, reproduction, metabolism.
Consisting of glands that secrete hormones.
Urinary and Reproductive Systems
Removing the substance from the blood of excretion
Regulates fluid and electrolyte balance and blood PH
Consisting of kidney, bladder, and urinary tract
Responsible for producing hormones (male and female, milk and eggs in the case of the woman, sperm cells in the case of man)
Consists of the genitals and associated structures

Respiratory System
Promotes gas exchange between blood and air.
Regulates the pH
Consists of the lungs and airways
Digestive System
Responsible for chemical reactions and mechanical process of digestion
Absorption of nutrients
Elimination of substances excretion
Consisting of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines and organs attachments.
Integumentary System
Regulates the temperature and water levelsStimulates vitamin D
Consisting of skin, hair, nails and sweat glands
Systems Integration and Control
Part of these systems:
The functional organization of the nervous tissue
Spinal cord, spinal nerves
Brain, cranial nerves
Nervous system functions
Special senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell)
Autonomic nervous system

Plants, seeds and roots are centuries since a reference and a legacy of our ancestors. Each plant, seed, root, has peculiar features and structures. However some have similar behaviors in interaction with the Human Body. The combination between plants, seeds, roots and some minerals are often the perfect combination capable of suppressing the shortcomings, weaknesses and immunities of the Human Body exposed to stress, pollution and will present lifestyle. It is increasingly important to act not only in the sense of prevention, as in getting healthy habits.